When you create orders in Nitrobox Webportal, you can add deductions, discounts and vouchers to your orders in no time. Let's take a look at how to do that.
Apply discounts and vouchers to line items
Orders consist of one or more line items. You can add discounts and vouchers to each line item - be it pre or post tax or a combination of both.
To create orders with discounts and/ or vouchers follow the instructions of the "Create Orders" page including the steps 1-3 and 4B.
After you have performed the described steps, it is time to add discounts, dedutions and vouchers to the order's line item(s).
Step 1: Apply "Pre tax" deductions
"Pre tax item" explained
A pre tax item can eiter be:
- a single-purpose voucher, e.g. A 50 EUR clothing gift voucher that a customer has applied in their purchase process
- or a discount, e.g. a price reduction of 10 EUR. The customer bought a shirt which price was reduced from 25 EUR to 15 EUR.
When the voucher is issued, it is known for which product category it will be applied and whose items all have the same tax rate. First, the amount of the voucher/discount is deducted from the net amount, and then the reduced amount is taxed accordingly.
Below the line item data is a "details table" where you can define deductions or deposits for the line item you just created.
Click "Pre tax item extras" and an "Add" button appears. When you click the button, a new mask opens for you to enter the data. First, select if you want to add a "Single purpose voucher" or a "discount" (see info box above).
Fill in the "name" and select from the drop-down menu, if the deduction is refundable or not. Add an external reference, a name and a description (all optional). Then fill in the "Total item adaption net" field which is the amount you want to deduct from the line item net price and select the currency.
If you want to add further deduction items, click the "Add" button below and repeat this step.

When creating the order, add "Pre tax item extras" such as "single-purpose vouchers" or "discounts" to the line items of your order.
Step 2: Apply "Post tax" deductions
"Post tax item" explained
A Post tax itemis a multi-purpose voucher, e.g. A 50 EUR Amazon voucher that a customer has applied in their purchase process
When the voucher is issued, it is not known for which product and product categories it will be used, e.g. products with 19% VAT or 7% VAT (Germany), or several products of both tax rates. Therefore, the purchased item(s) will be taxed first, and afterwards the voucher amount will be deducted from the gross amount of the purchase.
Below the line item data is a "details table" where you can define deductions or deposits for the line item you just created.
Click "Post tax item extras" and an "Add" button appears. When you click the button, a new mask opens for you to enter the data. Select "Multi-purpose voucher" (see info box above).
Fill in the "name" and select from the drop-down menu, if the deduction is refundable or not. Add an external reference, a name and a description (all optional). Then fill in the "Total item adaption" field which is the amount you want to deduct from the line item gross price and select the currency.
If you want to add further deduction items, click the "Add extra" button below and repeat this step.

When creating the order, add a "Multi-purpose voucher" as "Post tax item extra" to line items of your order.
Step 3: Save your order
When you added all line items and deductions to the order, click the "Save" button and the order will be saved for later (if you selected on demand) or processed immediately (if you selected immediately). If you do not want to proceed with the order, click the "Discard" button and the window will close.
The order now appears in the "Order Overview". Click at the "Details" button at the end of the entry to open the order detail page, where you can see all order related info.
Add deposits
If you want to add deposits to your order, this page shows you how you can do that.
If you want to add discounts and vouchers to your order, proceed to the deposit page.
Updated almost 2 years ago