Customer Billing Data
The customer detail view provides a table with all billing-related data such as contracts and orders, with filter functions and configurable columns. Learn more about it on this page.
To view the customer billing data, navigate to: Billing > Customers > Customer Overview
Select the customer you want to view. Click the details button at the end of the entry and the customer details page opens.
At the bottom of the page is the customer billing data table that consists of six different tabs:
Billable items
The "Billable items" section displays all billable items that belong to the orders and contracts of the selected customer. A billable item can result from a one-time purchase or from a usage under a contract. It is processed into a document by an billing run. Use the quick action "Details" button on the right side of the row to access the detailed view of the billable item.
The "Documents" section lists all documents created for the customer. Use the "Quick Actions" section at the end of each row to get more information. Click the "Details" button to view the contents of the selected invoice, click "Open PDF" to view the created invoice as a PDF file or download the invoice.
The "Contracts" section shows an overview of all contracts assigned to the customer. To get a more detailed view of a specific contract, click the "Details" button on the right side.
Right next to it is the "Quick Actions" area, where you can add usages or line items to the contract. When you click on "Add line item", a pop-up window will open where you can enter all the relevant data to create the new purchase item.
Click the "Create Vouchers" button to start a billing run for that specific contract and create vouchers for the purchases or uses associated with the contract. Use the checkboxes on the left to select one or more contracts to either cancel the contract(s) on a specific date or to cancel the selected contract(s).
The "Orders" section displays all orders created for the customer. Click on the “Details” button on the right to get detailed information about the order. If you want to cancel orders, select one or multiple orders and create a credit note for the selected order(s).
Open items
The "Open items" section displays outstanding invoice items from orders or contracts. Check the item data, assign payments or view the assigned payments.
Customer payment accounts
The "Customer payment accounts" section provides an overview of the customer's payment accounts. A payment account can be used to process a payment resulting from an order or the use of a contract.
If you click on the customer details symbol, the customer details page opens listing the customer action buttons in the top right corner. Click them to add an order, create documents or add payment accounts. Let's take a closer look at the customer actions.
When you click on the customer details icon, the customer details page opens with action buttons in the upper right corner. Click on it to add an order, create documents or add payment accounts.
Updated almost 2 years ago