NBX webportal privacy information


This page will inform you about what data we use for which purpose when using the Nitrobox Webportal. It does not provide a comprehensive overview of all data-protection-related information about all data used by the Nitrobox company. You can find a comprehensive overview here: https://www.nitrobox.com/legal/data-protection/

NBX Webportal privacy information

For optimization and technical analysis of our product, we use Motomo's service (InnoCraft Ltd, 7 Waterloo Quay, PO Box 625, 6140 Wellington, New Zealand) to collect some information about user behavior.
We don't transmit any personal data. The service is used exclusively to collect traffic data for technical analysis of our platform in order to continuously improve your experience and our product.
We process your traffic data on the basis of legitimate interest in accordance with Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. F GDPR. The software doesn't place any cookies in your browser for this purpose. When you access various pages on our NBX platform, the following data is recorded:

  • The website accessed
  • Two bytes of the IP address of the user's accessing system (anonymized IP address)
  • The website from which the user accessed the website (referrer)
  • The subpages accessed from the website
  • The length of time spent on the website
  • The frequency of accessing the website

Matomo hosts the data on servers located exclusively within the EU/EEA.
We have concluded a data processing agreement with InnoCraft Ltd that complies with the requirements of Art. 28 GDPR. The data stored on the Matomo servers is regularly deleted. See also https://matomo.org/matomo-cloud-privacy-policy/ for more information about Matomo's privacy policy.