Option Updates
This section explains how you can update your options, including the prices
Update the options
To update an Option first navigate to it, you can find all options here: Configuration > Business Model > Options > Option Overview
Then click on the "Edit" button for the option you want to change. Here you can now update the price, the name etc.
Update of DRAFT Options
Is your option not in use (not associated with an plan or contract), you can freely edit all informations and the changes will be applied immediately.
Update of non DRAFT Options
Is the option already in use the update is more limited, for example you won't be able to remove country prices.
You can provide an "applicable from", which indicates from when on you want the changes to apply. For all existing contracts using this option, the change will only be applied for the Billing Period starting after the "applicable from". It will not prorate changes within Billing Periods. "Applicable from" has to be in the future, if not provided "today" is used.
Your subscription costs 9.99€/month but starting 2024-01-01 you want to increase the price to 12,99€/month. You can edit this option at any point before this cut off time, updating the price and specify the applicable from: 2024-01-01. Now all contracts will be charged 12,99€/month for January.
Updated 12 months ago