Configure your Site
You've done it, you have successfully registered your new tenant with us - now its time to properly set it up!
this only contains our functionally available configuration. There are several technical configurations
that also need to be made with each tenant set up that we need to adress - probably directly at
tenant creation
Subscription Management Configuration
Business Segment Configuration
With this configuration you can separate your business into different segments to easier model your potentially complex company situation. If you have multiple brands for example it might make sense to create a business segment per brand - or if you are an international business you might want to separate by the countries (or regions) you are operating in.
This separation allows you to later more easily set up different document templates (very handy if you have different corporate design requirements for different brands) or if you want to have an easier reporting separation of your accounting, wanting to know how your brands are developing.
For each Business Segment you can define which countries it can be active in and which regions in those countries. For each region you can then define which languages are valid to be used, which language should be used if no language is provided by any input ("Default language") and which should be used if the input doesnt match with any allowed languages ("Fallback language").
In addition you can define the business Segment to be "exclusive". Even if one of your customer has contracts for multiple of your business segments, with setting a business segment to exclusive you guarantee that the customer will receive documents only for this business segment independend of any other. Billing Items for Business Segments that arent exclusive can add up on the same documents, saving your customers from potentially receiving a myriad of invoicing documents from you.
configurable via Webportal and API
Tax Rules
Here you can configure which VAT taxes should apply to your products. You can configure the tax rate applicable to your business in each country. You can also separate the rules between different customer types (such as handling B2B and B2C differently if you are dealing with cross country reverse charge for example) or item types... or even different regions if the VAT there differs.
The Tax Variants allows you to configure the tax rate and tax code that is applicable to your tax rule at any given time. Should the tax rate change in the future you can add an additional variant (such as during the VAT change in Germany during Corona, where standard ratewas reduced from 19% to 16%), specifying when the change should occur (applicable from) and what the new tax rate and tax code should be.
configurable via Webportal and API
To get started you need to configure a Plan - a basic template for your contracts. Here you can define
The contract terms of the contract
- How long is your contract term?
- Does it renew automatically?
- Is there a notice period? How long is it?
- Do you want it to synchronise with the end of a month or end of the year, or should the term stop in the middle of the month?
Basic Billing Information
- how often should contracts for the plan be billed? Monthly, yearly? Every other Month?
- should a contract be billed at the start or the end of a billing period?
- should the billing period synchronise with the change of the month or year? Or should it be billed in the middle of a month?
Which Options should be part of this agreement? (see also {option catelog link} for better management of your options.
- OneTime options are billed once with the first invoice
- Recurring options are billed in every billing period
- Usage options are billed based on Usages with varying pricing models, see {link to a more detailed description of usage options}
configurable via Webportal and API
Billing Config
Document Number
Here you can configure which number ranges should be applied to your documents. You can give different ranges to different types of documents (so invoices having a different range from creditnotes) or even by having different ranges by country (or a combination thereof)! You can configure pre-fixes or suffixes for your documente numbers to display the year of the document - as well as resetting the number range each year.
So you could configure to have the range of 0-1.000 for your invoices from germany, 1.001-2.000 for those from france , 100.000-101.000 for your creditnotes from germany and 101.001-102.000 for the creditnotes from france - so you can just by looking the document number spot the business case you have at hand. If you then suffix it with "-YY" you will have the first creditnote of the year look like 100.001-21 in the year 2021 and 100.001-22 in 2022.
You can of course also be boring and have one number range for all of your documents.
Another option for you is: You provide the numbers! For certain business models it is entirely viable for you to already know the numbers so they fit into your existing enviroment so you want them provide them to us - no problem!
internal info:
not available via API nor webportal
Dunning Config
You can configure if you would like the nitrobox to help your dunning needs. Here you can configure up to 4 different dunning stages, from a friendly reminder to a threat of involving debt collection - its up to you. You define how much time should pass between each reminder and how the documents for each reminder should look like
internal note: Sehr alte logik, die dringend auf das neue OPOS feature gesetzt werden sollte
in meinen Augen. Ich bin mir nicht sicher, wie wir die Dokumente aktuell überhaupt
zum Endkunden bekommen würden in einer sinnvollen Produkt umsetzung.
Gross Calculation Strategy
Here you can configure if you wish the Nitrobox to rely on the gross values provided by your system or if we should ensure that net + vat = gross by recalculating the gross value based on the other two ourselves.
not configurable right now. I wonder how only sending net works with if we take care of it...
is the tax service then used or is this a gap? already taken care of asking someone about it
Billable Item grouping (Coming Up!)
Configure yourself which item should be grouped together on documents and where you would prefer to have different documents for. Do you want all contracts of a given customer to be billed separately or should he receive one document for all his contracts? Do you maybe want to have different item groups on different documents?
not yet implemented, coming up in
SAF-T Portugal config
something like this is in progress, probably want a capability to configure this as well.
Document Management Configuration
Creating a document template
You can configure your very own document template, using your own logo, structure in general design it according to your corporate design! You can create different templates for different document types (deposit invoices looking different from regular ones), different business segments (so different brands can look differently), different countries, different templates for reminder documents, Contact NBX to help you get set up.
Hier sind gibts auch noch viel zu tun bis das ein Kunde verwenden kann.
Configure Archiving Strategy
(for internal reference:
You can configure here if Nitrobox should archive your pdf documents in a secure place to comply with the legal requirements all countries have when it comes to tax and accounting documents.
internal note: Wir können hier noch konfigurieren, ob alle länder in ein trustweaver segment gespeichert
werden sollen oder ob pro Land ein segment erstellt werden soll. Erstes macht für mich keinen Sinn.
Vermutlich sollten wir auch statt archivierung selbst zu configurieren ein spezifisches "Länder set up"
haben wo die rchivierung dann gemacht werden kann. Generell fehlt hier zur automatisierung viele
Schritte, incl das automatische anlegen von Trustweaver sectionen
Payment Configuration
Payment Provider SetUp
Payment Account SetUp
Accounting Configuration
Tenant SetUp in Accounting (mandatory)
To configure your accounting you first need to configure the functional currency of your tenant that all bookings will be created in - it should be the same as the currency in your main ledger. You will also need to provide a starting debtor account number that will be the starting point of accounts for your customers! Dont worry, all the individual debtor accounts will be generated automatically whenever you create a new customer in our system. Choose a large number to not risk interfering with your general main ledger accounts - we found something like 100.000.000 to be handy.
available via API
Chart of Accounts (mandatory)
Next up you can set up your Chart of accounts - define which accounts outside of the Debtor Accounts do you need to model your business.
available via Webportal and API
Booking Rules (mandatory)
To finish, you need to configure some Booking Rules. Here you can provide a groovy script that will be executed for each incoming event of a given type, currently for each created Document, created Payment, each assignment between Document and Payment and of course for the reversal of an assignment.
available via API
Accounting Document Numbers
Optionally you can also configure Accounting Document Numbers to give each of your Journal Entries (Bookings created from a single Event) a specific document number depending on its journalEntryCategory. You can define either for the Document Number to use a preexisting number by providing where in the Event the number can be found and can provide a regex if you need to extract only a portion of it (handy for reusing the Document Numbers you have from your invoices or creditnotes) - or you can set up an entirely new number range to be used for the given categories - often used to give bookings based on the movement of payments a clear accounting document number.
available via API
Event Webhooks
nbx v1 feature, out of the box gehen ein paar legacy geschichten (invoice erstellt, invoice archiviert,
invoice reminded) aber die daten strukturen sind veraltet und wir sollten das auf unsere neuen Events umstellen.
Updated almost 3 years ago