Deprecated: Update customer

This operation has been deprecated and will be removed in the future!
Reason: Debtor Endpoint is deprecated in favor of the customer endpoint.
This operation is replaced by
Deprecated since: 2024-07-29

Sunset at the latest: 2025-07-29

Please refer to our "API Lifecycle Management" and our "API Migration Guide" to find out more.

Please use /api/customers/ endpoints instead. When updating the customer, the address data cannot be changed in the same call. To change address data, use put for the endpoint customer/{debtorId}/addresses/{addressId} and update individually. Only language, customerType, preferredDocumentDelivery and properties can be changed. The debtorAccountNumber cannot be changed. The body needs to contain all the debtors addresses for the update to work. Please see Debtor Model below for more information regarding required values and input type.