API Migration Guide

[March 2023] Migration required fromPurchase Items to Line Items

With the addition of the "self billing" feature we decided to deprecate the purchase items and instead use more generically named line items.

These line items are categorized by a type to determine if they are relevant to a sales or self billing context. Additionally, we took this opportunity to also rename several other fields to be more in tune with our general API guidelines, you can see all changes below:

Purchase Items are still fully usable. We still suggest migration as soon as possible, with the latest sunsetting date of April 2024, when we will consider removing those endpoints completely.

Field name changes

Purchase ItemLine ItemComment
n/atypedetermines if the item is related to a sale, which would be equivalent the purchase items, or if it is a self-billing item
debitCreditDetailsdebitCreditIndicatorremoved the object structure and only using an enum datatype

API changes

All previous /purchaseItem/ endpoints now have an equivalent /lineItems/ endpoint in our API. All purchaseItem endpoints have been deprecated.