A paymentIntentTask is the preliminary stage for a paymentIntent and is created, for example, for payment collections that are to be collected in the future.
PaymentIntentTasks are based on the respective open item status (OPOS case) of the document and are continuously updated when changes are made.
As soon as a PaymentIntentTask is due, a paymentIntent is triggered with the status of the paymentIntentTask.
This endpoint is used to activate/deactivate the automatic creation and updating of paymentIntentTasks.
Note: If this option is activated for existing open items, not all retroactive PaymentIntentTasks are automatically created.
In this case, PaymentIntentTasks are only created automatically when changes are made to the open items, which results in a change of the OPOS case.
All other old PaymentIntents must be checked and created manually if required.