Release 2022-08-04

  • We have enabled a new "Interactive Product Demo" feature for users to help you understand our product better.
  • We added a Resource Center that allows you to access the "Interactive Product Demo" and also allows quick access to our documentation.
  • Notification Self Service! Under "Global -> Notification" you can now configure your own. You can find their descriptions here: Under this new configuration you can also view notifications that were sent out.
  • "Expert mode" when creating purchase items. With the potential complexity when creating a purchase item we have decided to have a now default simplified view with only the most important pieces of information of the item. For more complex items, for example when discounts or deposits are involved, or more specialized data needs to be added, you can do so after enabling the expert mode on the top right.
  • For Purchase Item creation you no longer have to provide tax or gross values. If you are using the Nitrobox tax engine we can do the calculation of the correct tax- and gross value for you if you like.