Release 2024-04-08
10 months ago by Daniel Hofmeister
- Using our Webportal, when manually assigning a payment to a document, you can immediately clear a potential open amount and trigger an Opos Decisions. This should speed up the workflow for any smaller under/overpayment situations.
- Pending payments are now visible in the Opos Cases as "prebooked item" to prevent double payment charges and to handle refunds correctly when payments are captured but not settled, thus providing a better overview of the OPOS situation for any given document.
- We are now rounding contract and order line items, allowances, and agreed deposits according to the currency. Previously we only rounded accordingly when the actual document was created. Ensuring line items have the same precision increases consistency.
- Unpooled (metered) Usages can now be cancelled, leading to a credit note if theywere already billed.
- Payment terms can now be configured during order and contract creation. This allows users to overwrite the tenant default configuration for payment terms and allows for more flexibility.
- Billing Groups can now be configured to be split by performance location. While tax location is always mandatory, you might want to split transactions by where they occurred, giving your customers a better overview of invoices.
- To prevent tenant misconfigurations, you can no longer change the name of a billing group region already being used in options for price determination.
- Improved connection consistency for external Tax Providers.
- Improved performance for searches in Opos Cases
- Improved our API doc, removing some empty tags, ordering some endpoints to their correct groups, and more.
- Fixed a bug where document creation failed when a customer's post office box had more than 16 characters.
- Fixed a bug where, during contract creation, adding a new option would reset the quantity of previous options back to 1.
- Fixed a bug where Contract Expired events were still sent out at the original contract end date, even after the contract had its end date moved up.