Release 2024-03-13
11 months ago by Daniel Hofmeister
- We enabled our Order Agreed Deposit feature. Instead of only defining agreed deposits on items, you can also specify them on Order level and let NBX handle the decision on which items the deposits are expected. We will then split them off into the items with the highest VAT first.
- Assigning a Payment to an Order (deposit), where the payment amount is larger than the total order amount, will now work and any overpaid amount will also be assigned to the item with the highest VAT.
- Our API will now respond with a 308 permanent redirect when being requested with an url that ends in a slash ("/").
- When creating an Order we will now also check if there is also a fitting Payment present and will assign it automatically. This will increase the automation success rate for automatic assignments and reduce operations for your AR managers.
- Opos Cases now have explicit debit and credit indicators to avoid confusion by looking at the plus and minus signums (API only).
- Merchant payment accounts can now be configured to create Payment intents on the due date of a document, thus for example charging your customers at a later date.
- Fixed a bug where locations weren't sorted correctly.
- Fixed a bug where "in-between" dates filter did not always appear.
- Fixed a bug where the color of the "plus" and the background color on the "Add" button were the same on the dashboard page.