Release 2022-03-21

  • Implemented a link for contracts, orders and documents to their associated billing group and business segment. This link can be viewed within the Webportal.

  • Added the possibility to edit and update the details of an option. Information like the options name, description, item group or tax scheme can be updated directly in the Webportal. This will cause newly created items and all items that weren't processed yet that were created from the option to have the updated information.

  • Added additional tool-tips to our Webportal to improve usability.

  • Certain actions on Purchase Items such as canceling them, putting them "on hold" or releasing "on hold" items can now be done to multiple items at the same time, which improves usability.

  • Fixed a bug that could cause billable items that ran into errors weren't reprocessed automatically after they were edited to fix the problem.

  • Extended the details page of payment intents in the Webportal. The details page now holds additional information like the debtor, business segment and status of its associated payment transaction.

  • Enabled the possibility to add the option of how to deliver documents to a specific customer. This information will be stored at the customer and can be edited afterwards.