Release 2022-02-08

  • Added and extended a list of contracts and orders within the invoice object as well as a list of business segments that are associated with these contracts and orders of the invoice object. This helps to get a direct link of all references that are part of an invoice object.

  • Added the payment information to invoice objects that are created out of multiple contracts or orders. Invoice documents will now be split up if the billed positions have different payment methods.

  • Added the possibility to define the tax scheme of plan options. Tax schemes help to differentiate between business tax cases.

  • Implemented the possibility to cancel multiple orders and terminate multiple contracts within one request. Due to cancellation and termination of multiple orders and contracts at the same time all cancelled positions can be billed on the same credit note.

  • Enabled the possibility to add a service country and a delivery date to purchase items within our Webportal.

  • Enabled the possibility to add multiple properties to an order within the creation process of an order in our Webportal.

  • Added the possibility to view, create and edit operating sites within our Webportal. Operating sites help to create multiple legal entities for a business for example within different countries.